Our Services

WEB SITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Your company website is the world’s window into your company and will likely be where they get their first impression of who you are and how you can satisfy their needs. Arima Web Solutions will work with you to create a high quality website that meets or exceeds your needs and expectations. We focus on quality and speed because "now" is often not soon enough.

Motion Graphics

Hollywood has conditioned today's consumers to expect amazing, eye-catching motion graphics in just about all of their electronic media. Arima Web Solutions has the experience and expertise to outfit your website with just about any animated presentation that you can imagine. For us, this is not just simply a job, it's a passion.

Digital Video Production

Having a good looking website with the right pictures and text is essential. In today's marketplace, having high-quality videos on your website places you at the head of the pack. Arima Web Solutions can either build your existing videos into your website or we can work with you to create fresh, top-quality videos that will flood your customers' minds with exactly the message that you want them to receive.


VFC Media Group joined forced and became a syndicated partner with CouponMap.com. This has allowed our local site VegasFamilyCoupons.com and sincitybars.com the extra sizzle needed for our businesses to list and get the listing locally and nationally. The positive trend in online advertising remains undiminished despite the current economic crisis.

SMS Text Message Marketing

Which types of businesses benefit from an SMS marketing strategy Businesses both big and small can benefit from SMS marketing; from fortune 500 companies to the smallest of business, any business can take advantage of the power of SMS marketing by connecting with existing customers and growing revenue through new customers opting-in. SMS marketing has already been proven to work for restaurants, bars, contests, retail, travel agencies, ticket agencies, real estate, and many more, and it can be applied to you business strategy too. Examples of the best times to use SMS Many businesses employ a strategy of having a different promotional running all the time, such as summer sales, Christmas sales, Back to School sales, and Memorial Day sales. SMS is a great way to keep customers up to date on any business' promotionals. Many businesses also take advantage of the speed of SMS marketing to eliminate slow nights. On a slow night, or when a business needs to get rid of product fast, it's easy to create and only takes minutes to send out a text to customers, promoting a special or deal for that day. Lastly, any business can use SMS to connect with its customers. Through encouraging customers to opt-in and using SMS to run contests, other incentive based campaigns, and polls that customers can participate, customers feel engaged and connected with a business.

If Your Media Plan Is Not Done Right You Will Lose

1. Define Objectives and Target Audience
Conduct your research thoroughly, and discuss it with the client and account services (as well as anyone else participating on the agency team). Ensure that everyone is in agreement on the basics before starting your media plan. Trust me when I say that there is nothing more frustrating than having to completely change direction halfway through a plan due to a miscommunicated goal or target.

2. Develop Media Strategies
Now that you have your media plan objectives and target audience defined, you need to develop a strategy for each objective.

3. Media Tactics
Now you have to show the details of how to implement your strategies. What media types do I use to execute my strategies and how do I best use each for the client (all while staying within budget)?
You can maximize your media plan’s impact by making sure each medium is utilized at an effective level before augmenting your plan with another medium. Within each media type, ensure that every vendor is at a minimum level before adding another.

4. Last but No Least
Remember the saying, “Do it well or not at all”? That is the key to media planning. If you cannot implement an effective media plan within a certain medium, then save the money rather than do an inadequate job of reaching your target. any one medium. When sales went south, his kneejerk reaction was to cancel everything and throw up his hands saying advertising doesn’t work. It DOES work, if done correctly. He is now gone and that company is doing well.